Leverage the model that’s driving digital business

Just as the Industrial Revolution upended manufacturing 250 years ago, the Digital Revolution is transforming business by using technology to open up entirely new sources of value.

Powering massive digital disruptors like Amazon, Facebook Google and Apple, multi-sided platforms (MSPs) are digital ecosystems where companies, users and partners co-create value for all parties involved.

With our business and strategic partners, we design platforms for exponential impact. Causeit can help your company answer questions like these:

  • Is there a unique platform opportunity for our company?

  • Which elements of a platform build and host, and which to partner for?

  • How best to participate in other platforms?

Many companies approach the challenge of platform innovation from the same mindset they’ve been using for decades. Some unknowingly revert to old models by applying fresh design or new technology to existing systems, expecting innovation to somehow occur on its own. Others focus on innovating in one specific area of their business, but find it challenging to connect this singular locus of change to their wider offerings.

The real answer to ‘How?’ is that it takes a radical mindset shift. Companies need to take bold imaginative steps if they want to participate in this new digital economy, seeing digital technology not just as a means for enhancing existing systems, but for creating entirely new sources of value.
— Causeit’s article on Multi-Sided Platforms

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